Friday, November 04, 2011

Pink Ribbon Dinner

All the planning was worth it.  The pink ribbon fabric bon bons that my friend Sonia and I made were filled with goodies and placed on the tables last Friday and Saturday night for our annual Pink Ribbon Fundraising dinner.

They were filled with lots of goodies, most of which were sourced from fellow bloggers.  We just placed a couple of the bon bons on each table,  and the participants shared up the contents at the end of the evening. The feedback was great and we were commended on the detail of each item.

The table that I share with family and friends, always  gets a special treat, so I made them each a individual tissue cover, and wrapped a chocolate bar with a pink ribbon theme cover.

This photo, shows our table with the bon bons as well as the little extra chocolate bars.

We had a great night, and lots of money was raised with various raffles.  Now all I have to do, is think of something different to make for next year, he he. 



  1. Glad to have you back. Wonderful that your event was a success. The table looks great, you and your friend did a great job with the bon bons.
    Thanks for the comment on my Ghastlie stop. It was the first time I tried anything like that and I had a great time. It was very motivating. Ok so maybe obsessive would be a better word.
    Read your posting about the necklaces. Very pretty indeed, what I loved was your comment about your sister. Where would we be without them.
    Take care and keep up the great work. Selina

  2. Looks lovely... I love the bon bon idea..
    Cath Ü
