Saturday, May 26, 2012

Tiny Teddy Cars

I had children visit this afternoon and instead of spending time in the craft studio we spent time in the kitchen. They each assembled their own tiny teddy cars. 

I melted the chocolate and did any cutting required, but the rest was up to them.

The body of the car was made from a treat size milky way chocolate, smarties for the wheels, and one smarty cut in half for the steering wheel.  Tiny Teddy biscuit was cut at tummy level for the driver.  Melted chocolate was used to hold everything together.

Very cute, a little messy, but lots of fun.

All lined up ready to go.  How "grumpy" does this first teddy look?

We also made wriggly snakes in jelly, but I forgot to take a photo ... make jelly as per directions, wait about 15-20 minutes until it has cooled a little bit, and then put a Allen's Snakes Alive lolly in.  Have the head hanging over the side of the cup.  We used disposable plastic cups for the jelly.

All good fun... I did get started on piecing some scraps together for Breast Cancer Bags this morning.  I had a lot of strips of fabric donated, so now putting them to good use.

Hope you are having a crafty weekend


  1. What a great idea. Looks like fun was had by all. I always loved doing the messy projects with the nieces and nephews. It was my job and they so enjoy being allowed to do messy things.
    You are a very good auntie.

  2. Belinda7:21 pm

    Oh Judy these look like so much fun! How cute! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Anonymous8:02 pm

    What fun and so very cute!!!! Can't wait to make these with my grandson. He'll be 1 next month.
