This note is just to ensure that the Cozens side of the family do not make a remark about how out of date the information is ---
Cat 'n Cart Crafts website is beginning to really take off - I started advertising online in the Australia Craft Network and it is bringing in customers from all over Australia.
I finished stocktaking this weekend, and note to self, is be more specific when writing up invoices on sold goods, makes the inventory more "up to date"
Naumanns' have gone up to Mackay to catch up with Kate for about 10 days, hopefully they get great weather.
It has been trying to rain here over the weekend, which is great as it is not looking good for water allocations for next year for the farmers, at the moment it is ZERO allocation .... not good
I have been playing in the craft rom, with some primitive dolls, and even a gingerbread man which I cooked and rubbed spices into - interesting.
I have been asked to have a stand at Leeton Art Society's exhibition on the long weekend in October, so hopefully that will generate more sales. I will be really into the Christmas theme of things by them, so fingers crossed.
Wayne Naumans birthday this month, 55 , wow!
Will update again soon - JJ