
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tired and Lazy

After a really big weekend at the Quilt Exhibition, I am a very tired person.  My sister Sue helped me pack up my table late Sunday afternoon, and helped unload it into my craft studio, and left it for me to put everything away in it's rightful place.

Yes well, that is where it still is ... I was too tired on Sunday evening, and yesterday we had a power outage for nearly 6 hours.  I was unable to use the computer, pack orders from the online store or anything.  It was too dark in the storage area to try and get things put away.  That is my story, and I am sticking to it.

And today, well, I am just feeling too tired/lazy.  It will be done tomorrow though, as I can hardly get into my studio with the button stands, boxes etc.

Do you ever get that way, everything seems to be a mess around you?  My house needs to be decluttered, my studio needs tidying, and please do not ask about my garden!

I have some holidays scheduled, so maybe that will recharge the batteries and things will get back to some sort of normality.

I did take some photos of my table and my quilts from last weekend, using my iPad, so I will download those and post them in the next couple of days.

Our quilt group have a challenge for next year, make something using just two fabrics.  It could be a table runner, a quilt top, cushion .... do any of my readers have some ideas what I can make? 
I am a average quilter, I do not like hand sewing, so needleturn is definitely out, but other than that I am open to suggestions?

The only photo I have to share is of a couple of breast cancer drain bags that were picked up this week.  I think my friend and I had made 10 bags for Belinda to deliver to the hospital this week, and I only took this one photo!

Both these bags were a little dull before I added the trim.  I was happy with the end result though.
I will be back soon, feeling more energised and organised (fingers crossed)


  1. Hi,

    I can't sympatize because I function quite well in a disaster zone. I find I have a very high tolerance to a messy work area. Once every 5 or 6 projects I take a day to put things in their place more or less. At least once a week I tidy the rest of the house, usually Friday nite so I don't get distracted over the weekend.

    Regarding your 2 fabric challenge, what about a zip pouch or a tote. Or a stripped baby quilt with a really interesting novelty fabric. Or just squares for that matter.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

  2. Belinda7:51 pm

    Your quilts looked amazing Judy and your trade table was excellent as usual!thank you for the gorgeous breast cancer bags, they are so very much appreciated. I'll be delivering them tomorrow. Great to hear you will be taking a holiday, you defintely deserve one!
