
Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Little Lavender Pyramids

These are so easy and quick to make.  Each one just uses 2 x 4" squares of fabric, a 4" piece of ribbon and a handful of lavender.  Great project for using up more of those scraps.

I found the idea on Pinterest and then sourced the original tutorial here.  I have been having trouble sleeping, so tonight one of these little lavender pyramids is going to be placed under my pillow to see if that helps. 

Single side view
How would you package these lavender pyramids?  Individually, or two together.  I placed one and then two into a clear box, but I am not happy with the results.  It will need more playing to find the "right" way to present these little gifts.
The little ribbon hanger will allow these pyramids to be hung on hangers in your wardrobe to keep your clothing smelling fresh and clean. You can also hang them on a hook or door knob or just anywhere you wish. I think I will hang one in my linen closet as lavender is a natural moth and insect repellent . If the lavender scent begins to fade, you just need to squeeze it to make them release more of their natural oil.

Pinterest has given me lots of ideas for small gifts, and I cannot wait to try them.  I will be sure to share them with you, and let you know where I found the information.
Until next time

1 comment:

  1. These are cute. How about wrapping them in clear celophane. Maybe with a matching ribbon or a strip of fabric.
